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conversion of securities中文是什么意思

用"conversion of securities"造句"conversion of securities"怎么读"conversion of securities" in a sentence


  • 证券转换


  • The discussion about the mobilization of state - owned shares , the joining in of privately owned capital , the increasing communication in the market regulatory level , the higher expect for the extent of market ' s opening , and the conversion of security institutes " investment concepts , are all fully indicate that our market is making great efforts to perfect itself and to fill the gap between the capital market ' s standard in developed country and that of china
  • Then the paper reviews the history of investment bank and divides the history into three phases by important history event of investment bank . in chapter three . according to the history of every country , the paper does a comparative research to the developing modes of investment bank . therefore , according to the status of china finance , the paper draw a conclusionthe develop mode of our young investment bank is " the conversion of securities company to investme nt bank under the operation - divided system "
    紧接着本文考察了国际投资银行的历史演进过程并以投资银行机构经历的重大历史事件为分水岭,大体上可以将投资银行的历史划分为三个历史阶段。在第三章本文根据各国历史情况,对投资银行发展模式进行了比较研究。因此,结合我国经济金融发展状况,本文提出了把我国举步之初的发展模式确定为“分业经营体制下的证券公司投资银行化” 。
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